Guidance for teachers, Heads of the Departments, Officers in charge of different Co-curricular activities, head Clerk, Demonstrators, Librarian, office Staff, PET and other concerned.
(* Click The Rules For Description)
It is the duty of the Head of the Department to see that the Lesson Plan of the prescribed course is prepared by him / her or by any other teacher of the department and copy of the same is submitted to the Principal. The Head of the Department is to sign / countersign on it which will show that he / she has verified, seen and examined the same.
Lesson Notes are to be maintained by individual teachers in the prescribed manner and be verified and signed daily by the H.O.D.s and to be shown to the Principal weekly on the last day of the week. They may be inspected by the Director, Higher Education at the time of his inspection.
The Departmental Progress Register is to be maintained in the prescribed manner. They are to be submitted to the HODs for signature daily and HODs to submit them to the Principal for counter signature once a week positively (as dates fixed by the Office)
The Abstract of attendance is to be calculated on quarterly basis or as directed by the Principal. The HOD of each Deptt. in collaboration with other members of the Deptt. will calculate and submit report to the OIC of attendance for verification on the last day of 1st week. It is latter’s duty to send this statement to proctors, who will intimate the students.
The Prof. in charge of proctoral system is to see for its smooth processing.
Makes are to be received from the examination within due time after the completion of the examination. The Tabulation work should start immediately and for this the concerned tabulators have to contact the OIC Examination and follow-up the matter so that result is published in time.
The Prof. in charge of the College Examination, all teachers Laboratory Assistant, PET, Office in charge of College Examination are required to acquaint themselves with the relevant rules, as printed in the College Calendar.
The Prof. in charge of the College Examination is to take necessary steps as per rule :
(i) The conduct of examination : The dates of examination are to be fixed and notified to the students. The duration of each examination should be either two hours or one hour as the case may be.
(ii) Examinations fine etc. due to the student’s inability to sit for any examination will be collected.
(iii) All cases of malpractice should be reported by the invigilators with his / her suggestion for punishment as per rule
It is the responsibility of Prof. I/C to see that General, Tutorial and Practical classes are held as early as possible and arrangements are made for the same. The HODs are required to submit a copy of the allotment of classes to the Principal on the date of effectiveness of the time table signed by each member of the Deptt. & HODs respectively.
Periodical report are to be submitted to the Principal for its onward transmission of DHE. Heads of Department are to see that courses for different classes are covered in due time.
Application should be invited from the students, interview conducted there after and awards be notified after proper selection. The Prof. I/C is to take necessary steps in consultation with Financial Aid Committee and proceed accordingly. Apart from this the poor and meritorious students can apply for S.S.G. in proper procedure.
There are Attendance Registers maintained in the College office for teaching and non-teaching staff of the college. The members of staff are to mention the time of arrival and departure in it. The Registers are to be produced before the Principal daily at 10.00 A.M. in the case of Non-Teaching & 11.00 A.M. in the case of Teaching Staff.
Proctorial system has been introduced in the college for developing intimate relationship between the students and teachers for timely guidance and advice in academic and other matter. Under the system a proctor, who is a member of the teaching staff of the college remains in charge of batch of 20 students.
(a) Proctor are to correct delinquent students those failing short of attendance, having bad performance in the Examination, creating disturbance in the College Hostel or out side must be recorded in detail giving roll numbers and the numbers of time the parents or guardians were informed about the matter.
(b) Date and number of dispatch of the letters to parents and guardians must also be recorded on the body of the proctorial form.